EKOenergy’s Climate Fund

Fundraising for climate projects

One of the ways EKOenergy ensures additionality is through the Climate Fund. Thanks to users of EKOenergy-labelled electricity, we finance green energy projects that would not have happened otherwise.

  • For each MWh of EKOenergy-labelled energy sold, the seller pays at least 0.10 € (ten cents) to the Climate Fund.
  • We don’t set up our own projects, but rather finance projects implemented by experienced organisations. The selected projects are, in most cases, a part of larger, longer-lasting projects.
  • All projects focus on alleviating energy poverty and contribute to the realisation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
  • The projects are selected through a transparent and open process. Experts, as well as licensed sellers and energy consumers, are actively involved in the selection process. The final decision is taken by EKOenergy’s Board.

EKOenergy was launched in 2013. We were able to fund the first projects in 2015 and, since then, we have financed a total of 120 projects with a combined sum of 4 million euros.

Climate stories: examples of financed projects

24,000 € for solar panels in maternity clinics in Madagascar
23,000 € for solar-powered irrigation in Myanmar
20,000 € to bring solar electricity to the Pandu Gupha Health Post in Nepal.

Map with all financed projects

Click on the icon in the top left of the map () to see the full list of financed projects, select all projects of a specific year, and see more information about the projects. (The projects of 2022 will be added as soon as the contracts have been signed.)

More information about the projects

For more information and updates about the renewable energy projects that are financed through our Climate Fund:

35,000 € for a solar mini-grid in Nepal
27,000 € to equip women with solar-powered sewing machines in Cameroon
25,000 € for solar-powered water pumps in 6 villages in Senegal
18,000 € to realise a solar project in Zamfara State in Chediya, Yan Doto village, Nigeria

15,000 € to bring electricity to Mikwakhola Rural Municipality in Nepal (+ 30,000 € from the Siemenpuu Foundation)

7,500 € to bring electricity to the village of Sogola in Mali (+ 42,500 € from the Siemenpuu Foundation)

23,400 € to install solar-powered water kiosks, to secure clean water and improve the energy supply in the village of Abura, Kenya

24,000 € to a leading conservation NGO in China, for the installation of solar panels at a rural primary school

40, 000 € for the installation of solar panels in four schools and a health centre in rural, off-grid areas of Ethiopia

30,000 € for solar energy for schools and health centers in off-grid Malinese villages
40,000 € for solar installations and promotion of solar energy in Palestine
39,000 € for 2 solar projects in Mali

17,735 € for solar panels in refugee camps in Myanmar
10,000 € for solar-powered micro-grids in Togo
37,000 € for solar and wind in an off-grid Nepalese village
85,000 € for safe and affordable solar energy in Sudan
25,000 € for solar installations in 2 off-grid communities in Nepal
15,000 € for the installation of a mini electric grid in Nyaung Chuang village in Myanmar
18,000 € for a solar kiosk in Madagascar. providing energy for a school and for the villagers
28,558 € for the installation of solar panels and the improvement of sanitation facilities in nine schools in Peru
25,000 € for the installation of solar kiosks in Togolese villages
15,000 € for an energy café in Tajikistan
45,000 € for solar energy in Sudan
17,000 € for home lighting systems in rural villages in India
25,000 € for light and power for rural schools in Madagascar
20,000 € for solar pumps for women farmers in Senegal
18,000 € for a solar project for rural communities in South Africa (+17,000 € from the Siemenpuu Foundation)
15,618 € to facilitate medical work in Guinea
15,000 € for solar installations in Palestine (+15,000 € from the Siemenpuu Foundation)
20,000 € for solar panels for coffee-farmers in Nicaragua
10,000 € for clean and reliable energy in Tanzanian schools
More information about Climate projects from 2016

Help us do more

More projects are always in need of financing. Do you want to help us do more? Switch to EKOenergy-labelled energy and encourage others to do the same.